Anti-Money Laundering Agreement

Know Your Customer and Anti-Money Laundering Policy, Preamble: 
1.1 We ensure that we comply with KYC and AML laws and regulations and do not knowingly violate KYC and AML policies. Within our reasonable control, we will take the necessary steps and techniques to provide you with a safe and secure service to protect you to the maximum extent possible from losses caused by money laundering. 
1.2 Our Know Your Customer and Anti-Money Laundering Policy is a comprehensive body of international policies, including the Know Your Customer and Anti-Money Laundering Policies of your jurisdiction. Our robust compliance framework ensures that we meet regulatory requirements and standards at both the local and global level and that our websites are operationally sustainable. Elements of our Know Your Customer and Anti-Money Laundering Policy 
2.1 We issue and update our Know Your Customer and AML policies to meet the standards set by relevant laws and regulations; 
2.2 We issue and update certain guidelines and rules related to the operation of the Site, and our staff will provide you with services throughout the process in accordance with the guidelines and rules; 
2.3 We design and improve internal monitoring and transaction control procedures, such as strict identification procedures, and form a professional anti-money laundering team;
2.4 We conduct due diligence and ongoing supervision of our clients based on risk prevention; 
2.5 Review and regularly examine existing transactions; 
2.6 Reporting suspicious transactions to the competent authorities; 
2.7 identification documents, proof of address and supporting documentation of transactions will be kept for at least six (6) years; if they have been submitted to regulatory authorities, please understand that no separate notification will be provided to you; 
2.8 the use of credit cards is prohibited throughout the transaction; 

Identification information and its verification confirmation 
3.1 Identification information 
3.1.1 Depending on the laws and regulations of the relevant jurisdiction and the nature of the entity in question, the content of the information we collect about you may vary. In principle, we will collect the following information about you if: you register as an individual: basic personal information: your name, address (and permanent address, if both are different), date of birth and nationality, and other available information. Identification should be based on an official or other similar authority issued document, such as a passport, ID card or other identity document required by the relevant jurisdiction. The address you provide will be verified in an appropriate manner, such as by checking the fare of the vehicle you use, your rate bill or the voter register. Valid photo: before registering, you must provide a photo of you with your ID on your chest; contact information: phone/mobile number and a valid email address.

3.1.2 If you are a corporation or any other type of legal entity, we will collect the following information from you to determine the ultimate beneficiary of your account or trust account Your corporate registration and proof of incorporation; a copy of the articles of incorporation and memorandum of association; detailed supporting documentation of the company's shareholding structure and description of shareholdings, and the decision of the board of directors to designate the company's authorized agent for the opening and execution of the company's website account; documentation of the identity of the company's directors, principal shareholders, and authorized signatories for the company's website account as required by the relevant regulations; the company's principal business address If different from the company's principal business address, the company's mailing address. If the company's local address is different from its main business address, the company will be considered a high-risk customer and therefore the company will be required to provide additional documentation. Other supporting documents, documents issued by the competent authorities and such other documents as we may deem necessary in accordance with the laws and regulations of the relevant jurisdictions and the specific nature of your entity. The company shall be considered as a high risk client and therefore the company will be requested to provide additional documentation. Other supporting documents, documents issued by the competent authorities and such other documents as we may deem necessary in accordance with the laws and regulations of the relevant jurisdiction and the specific nature of your entity. The company shall be considered as a high-risk client and therefore the company will be required to provide additional documentation. Other supporting documents, documents issued by the competent authorities and such other documents as we may deem necessary in accordance with the laws and regulations of the relevant jurisdiction and the specific nature of your entity. 
3.1.3 We will only accept English and Chinese versions of your identification information; if your identification information is not in either language, you should have your identification information translated into English and duly notarized. 

3.2 Confirmation and verification 
3.2.1 You will need to provide the front and back of your identification document.
3.2.2 You will need to provide us with a photograph showing you with your identification document on your chest. 
3.2.3 Copies of certified documents should be checked against the originals. Notwithstanding, such copies shall be deemed acceptable if a trusted and suitable attesting person can certify that such copy is an accurate and complete copy of its original. Such attesting persons include ambassadors, judicial officers, magistrates, etc. 
3.2.4 The identity of the ultimate beneficiary and controller of the account shall be based on determining which individuals ultimately own or control the direct customer and/or determining that the ongoing transaction was executed by another individual. If you are a business, the identity of its principal shareholders (e.g., shareholders holding 10% or more of the voting rights of the business) should be verified. Generally, shareholders holding 25% of the company's shares will be considered to be involved in average risk and the identity of the shareholder should be verified; shareholders holding more than 10% of the voting rights or shares are considered to be at high risk and the identity of the shareholder should be verified.